Monday, December 28, 2009

Both parties agree on certain policies, which ultimately translates into a transfer of sovereignty over to international entities, thus making our elected officials jobs merely ceremonial posts. The people don't want global governance, but they are being sidelined by professional politicians. These careerists fear one thing- being rejected in the vote booth and becoming unemployed.
To reject the despotism of the EU, the NAFTA deal, the WTO and United Nations et al...the individual must confront their elected official. Don't punch your senator in the nose (unless he hits you first, then you should pummel him into the ground) , but let them know in plain words that you know that they are prostitutes for the international banker cartel, and you must tell them that they do not have your vote unless they do whats right. Elected officials will respond to pressure, if it is a certain amount.

The danger right now: as we move toward world government, the law codes of each nation are being rewritten. We are moving away from a law code that prescibes what we cannot a law code where what we CAN do is spelled out. This is the essence of tyranny.
The supremacy clause is normally misunderstood. Most people think it means that Federal law always trumps state law, regarding the same legal issue in question.

This isn't true.

Federal law trumps state law only when the issue is something that both sets of statutes are pursuing, AND the issue is something that was explicitly delegated to the Feds by "We the People."

For the Feds to be able to trump state authority, the Feds have to be exercising a legitimately bestowed constitutionally authority.

A new Federal health-care law mandating that one must buy a plan or go to jail...this does not fall within the realm of a legit Federal authority. The states can object.

Storm of Steel

You yuppies out there who think you can play it safe and lay low, that you will remain a part of the system, that there is a place for you in the emerging world order, you are the biggest fools of all. Sticking your head in the sand only makes it easier for you to be killed. There is a special category for you- the elites have designated you a coward who wont stand up to tyranny. You love comfort over country. Your bank account cannot protect you. Your clean record wont protect you. Your political silence wont save you. You have been scheduled for elimination whether you believe me or not. How many children do you have? One? None? See what I mean....causing you to not reproduce was the first step toward your doom. The scientific dictatorship that was erected decades ago caused this- a lessening of the preparedness one needed in order to marry on time. And now, your water is poisoned, the food you eat is bad. But you got your paycheck, don't you? But you don't have your country anymore. Soon that precious paycheck will disappear too... 30 million white collar jobs here in the US are in the early stages of being outsourced to India.

You dont have to be perfect in this world, but you do have to have guts. The Bill of Rights was a hedgerow wrapped around your sorry ass, protecting you from elite criminal monsters. That monster is growing by the day, its fangs and jaws snap in anticipation. You comfortable middle class types will be the most punished group of all- mark my words-history proves this.

We could lose this battle, we could lose this war, and if we do, it will because YOU let it happen.

Are you happy living in a state where your every move is monitored by thug police forces? Are you happy with the ubiquitous surveillance all around you? Are you happy living in a state that can destroy you with taxes? Are you happy knowing that the 9-11 hijackers were trained in US military bases, and that this is fully admitted by news outlets, via released documents? A global police state grid is in place, they are aiming for you, they want you dead. The people have a gun to their head while banker hands are in the peoples pockets.

Once we lose whats left of the Bill of Rights, we will become another Mexico and North Korea. Can't you figure that out?

Only when your pension fund has been drained by the vultures on Wall Street....only when your neighbor rats you out for no cause, just so he can get a bowl of rice...only when sadistic foreign goons kick in your door at 3 am and drag you out of your house and load you into a cattle truck and take you away to a work camp....only then will you understand-too late.

A revolution is coming. They will pull every dirty trick, the monster will use every deceit and thug tactic... many patriots will be killed defending the Republic. We will probably enter a decade of darkness. But in the end, you cannot suffocate the spirit of mirth. The sleeping giant of populist decency will awaken. And when that giant rises, it will slay the hell- demon banker racket. The forces of usury, war and vanity will be torched and consumed by the popular rage and righteous wrath of a long suffering people.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The December criminals

Our egotistic street hustler- in -chief, Barry Obama, flew to Oslo to pick up his Nobel prize for peace....while announcing US troop increases in Afghanistan, and refusing to sign the Ottawa anti-land mine and cluster bomb treaty. Land mines maim or kill hundreds of children a year around the world- yet Obama wouldn't sign, after 158 other nations have already done so.

The Copenhagen global warming summit failed to produce the intended framework for a global government- what it did do was issue a glorified press release. (The Copenhagen treaty spelled out the organization of a new UN-like structure).

Ben Bernake got Time magazine's 'Man of the Year'- on the eve of the senate vote to re-confirm him as chairman of the Federal Reserve . Hmm.
Ben "I'll do anything for a buck" Bernake helped create the economic mess, by continuing Greenspan's almost- free money policy and further deregulation.
The crisis isn't over- hyperinflation is right around the corner, waiting, like a mugger with a crowbar, waiting for you to walk by.

A watered down healthcare bill will probably pass and will be signed by Barry Soetero . (Thats his real name, legally. He committed massive fraud by registering his run for the presidency under an alias). Next, we will see a titantic push to legalize the illegal immigrants here in America. Once done, the vast majority of them will vote democratic. (Health care reform is needed- portability, across state competition, anti-trust rules, prohibiting denial of care for pre-existing conditions....but 500 billion in cuts for Medicare? Jail time for noncompliance? I want a single payer not -for profit service, not the monster that is forming in the chambers)

If you look at the electoral map of the US, you will see that future races hinge upon a few states- Texas, Florida, maybe Pennsylvania and Michigan. Republicans have to win in Texas or Florida to gain the presidency next time (Pa. and Mich. went for O by comfortable margins, so they are not in play). Granting amnesty will almost guarantee an Obama re-election in 2012.

I don't like Republicans or Democrats, generally. I am not opposing amnesty for the sake of who gets whose votes...

When we won the southwest from Mexico in 1848, we were tempted to take the whole country. Maybe we should do so now, and invade Mexico and push them into the gulf or into central America. What good are they? They fill our jails and drain our health and educational resources. They come here and spit on our flag and laugh at us.

After all, we went to the Moon in 1969, and those countries cannot even fire a satellite 10 miles into the air.

Mexicans learn in school that the United States is their natural number one enemy. Most of them hate us. Lets chuck political correctness and cowardice and hate them back.

Being an American means that you are never afraid to express your opinion. If you are afraid to do so, then you are not a real American, you are a pretend patriot and false citizen.

Lets talk about the elephant in the room- Zionism. Zionism and Jews are not synonyms, despite what Martin Luther King once famously said. To critique Zionism is not an attack on Jews. Zionists control the blackmailed six ways to Sunday- sock- puppet fake president Obama through his minders, Axelrod and Emmanuel.
WH Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel is a Mossad agent, who makes sure Obama does what he's suppose to do, while Axelrod feeds Obama his script for his teleprompter, to make sure Obama says what he's suppose to say.
Zionists caused the crash- Greenspan's policy. Zionists control the IMF and World Bank, they ran the Bush administrations, and they caused World War Two, while funding all sides. The Rothschild family fortune is at least $5 trillion, dwarfing Bill Gates $40 billion by a huge margin.

Zionism is merely a tool of the Rothschild family. Jews are its primary victims- arms dealers keep the strife simmering in the mid east, while local leaders on both sides could end the tension in months, if the arms dealers were absent. Hence, many Jews oppose Zionism. The state of Israel is merely a corporation of the Rothschilds and their agents, such as the ADL, the Bnai Brith, and their political lobby here in America, the AIPAC. Imagine a family and corporation that owns its own 250 nuclear bombs....
The two primary weapons of the Rothschild crime syndicate are 1. the smear label of racism or anti-semitism against any of their outspoken opponents....and 2. Debt

Whats the endgame here? America is being destroyed by design, to better help integrate her into the New World Order. This is evidenced by all the bad trade treaties that are passed in the Senate in the dead of night....Command and control economies, centralization of decision making...will continue. Statism, and assaults on the family, nation-state, and traditional religion, all will continue. The proof? Just look around you anywhere.
The Rothschilds and their agents want depopulation- a planet with only about 500 million people, all tagged and micro-chipped, cowed into ignorant submission, worshiping Gaia. A neo-Feudal order, a world run by less than a six families or 300 people, for their own amusement. This is happening now, but the depopulation is needed for manageability purposes. What is being planned is the greatest mass murder in history- a culling of over six billion people, about three years from now. The Rothschilds need this- its their religion. The murders will constitute a ritual sacrifice like no other...

The Rothschilds may have rivals- the Chinese leadership, mainly; yet both may be intertwined.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

follow the money

Lee Harvey Oswald's tax returns for 1962 are still classified. In the interest of national security, no one can view his tax returns.

(At certain points in time, Oswald s tax records seem to have been merely 'confidential,' for "privacy" purposes ...only his widow could consent to their release. I'm still looking into this matter, so stay tuned. It does appear that a few assassination researchers have been allowed to view the records in question, as long as they never reveal to anyone what they saw? )

Here's why- if he was on the government payroll, it would tend to prove that he was part of a false defection program, or part of a government plot against the president...

The CIA is embedded within each of our 50 states governments- their agent is permanent, they stay no matter who is governor. The charter for the CIA says that they cannot operate within the US, so by being embedded within state governments, they violate their mission statement. Only the governor and his chief of staff knows who their CIA person is, all other state government officials are on the dark.

Thirty days after Jesse Ventura was sworn in as governor of Minnesota, he was summoned deep downstairs into the basement of the governors mansion, about 75 feet below ground. Twenty-three (23!) CIA agents were waiting for him. He sat in the middle of a large circle, and they began to interrogate him.
He later learned that the purpose of this 'meeting' was probably trend forecasting. They didn't see him coming, his election was a shock. The CIA needed to know if more 'independent' governors were on their way, and who might be funding their races...

(Source: Jesse Ventura's book " Dont Start the revolution without me", and a Youtube video called "Jesse Ventura: The Secret Government")

Thursday, December 10, 2009

the sunrise was recent, I climbed out on my ice covered roof to get this testing a new camera, so the pic might not be that good.

The dome dwelling is about a mile from my house. I have no idea who or what is up with this building.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009