Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Outline for a new foundation faith for the new millenium

1. Roman concepts
2. Samurai Bushido
3. Mamluk Furusiyya
4. William Blake
5. Prussian values
6. Christian forgiveness and love

We live in perilous times...people are losing hope. Youth do not possess any moral anchor. In the fictional universe of 'Star Trek,' the Vulcans almost destroyed themsleves due to their savage nature. A messiah arose -Surak-who taught the Vulcans how to reign in their passions, via logic. Something like this is what we need now...

The state ought not regulate our private lives- as a replacement for guidance, we need an unwritten code of conduct. Ancient Rome had such a system- the Mos Maiorum. This was the oral tradition of how one ought to behave or be- this tradition was respected due to the reverence the anscestors received from latter day citizens. This code made the Roman Republic possible- when too many indivuals fell away from the tenets of the Mos Maiorum, Rome decayed and fell. From this code, the American republic was born, since the founding fathers were greatly inspired by Roman virtue and republicanism.
A related concept is Romanitus- the Roman way. What Cicero championed was the citizen/soldier/farmer...

The individual is lost. Here are a nucleus of virtues to strive for, to regain ones self:

Virtue is derived from Virtus, a Latin word roughly meaning 'moral excellence'....Vir means 'man.' In a general sense, we ought to seek Arete, being ones best in all things. This is Pagan virtue-this is not virtue as commonly thought, this is not a virtue to please a deity. Our new virtue is meant to save the nation and enhance the individual.

Virtus means being steadfast, courageous, having character and worth, valor, manliness.

How do we get there? First, wemust recognize the need for reform, the error of our ways- ethics are needed, to maximize the social health of the individual and society. Its practical to be good...Our concept of right and wrong guides us to oblivion or salvation. We must see a way out of the mess, a goal to stive for. Then we must never quit.

If we embrace a non-theistic system, why should we be good? Why can't we embrace a self seeking nihilism?
Because to do so is obvious infantile selfishness and the easy way out....there is no honor in shirking ones duty to the community, ones family, or yourself.

Prudence is prime, since it is with prudence we discern- prudence is foresight and discriminating wisdom. Prudence is utilized to oversee the other virtues-its function is contemplative and judgemental. Prudence... guided by imagination and tempered by will.

How to increase ones will-power? With practice and gradualism- try and try again- never say die. Practice delaying- if you want the slice of pizza, put off eating it for 30 minutes. Later, try not eating the slice for an hour, and so on. One must monitor ones thoughts and learn how to intercept the budding desires that plague humans, for they are legion. Their source is infinite.

After Prudence comes Severity, Temperance Justice, and Gravitas-


I remember when 'pasta' was noodles or spaghetti....I remember when we use to go to libraries to check out books instead of checking our emails....I remember the Indian head bulls-eye TV test pattern...I remember the world before cellphones and home computers, the world when we saw our friends in person...I remember when a man would rather jump off a cliff before he would take government charity...I remember when average jobs were rewarding and could feed a family...I remember the country before bar-codes...I remember when the nightly TV news anchors looked like serious thoughtful men, and not the platinum blond wannabe pin up dolls we have on the news shows now....I remember when it was normal to want the nation to be strong and respected around the world...I remember when we could watch TV without also having to watch idiotic advertisement 'bugs' lingering on the bottom portion of the screen the whole time....I remember when you could say the word 'Oriental' with out offending anyone....I remember when citizens were patriotic....I remember guitar oriented rock 'n roll....I remember when kids use to play outdoors in nature...I remember when people didn't have to eat pharmaceutical pills just to make it through the day....I remember when milk actually tasted very good, before Bovine hormones destroyed its flavor....I remember when love notes were carved on trees, before 'texting'....I remember the VCR, which served us so well for 20 years....I remember when men knew a lot about cars....I remember when women wore dresses and didn't wear mens trousers all the time ....I remember when women knew how to cook....I remember when 'African-Americans' were black.....I remember when a movie theater ticket cost a dollar....I remember when soda was a once- a -day (12 oz. ) drink, and not a major health crisis for millions.....I remember when bosses had loyalty to this country, before they packed up and moved their factories to foreign lands...I remember when you could fly on a plane and get "free" meals and unlimited "free" drinks......I remember when we use to make quality products, before we became a service sector debt based economy... I remember when we were not a nation distracted by porn......I remember when we were a beacon of hope to the world, before we became a dumping ground for the worlds refuse.....I remember when wine bottles had real corks...I remember when we use to be an opportunity society, before we became a nation of victims....I remember when Hollywood didn't remake a film over and over.....I remember when TV was private and not plastered or broadcast all over the public sphere....I remember when there wasn't surveillance cameras on every street corner....I remember when there was hope....I remember a place called America.