Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Unless all you lazy cowards out there start mobilizing, you will very soon lose your 'all you can eat' internet access.

The major internet service providers - AT&T, Comcast, Time Warner, et al, ...are in the initial stages of tiering (metering) the internet.

The issue is 'Network Neutrality.' Right now, this means that everyone has equal ability set up online whatever they want, and view whatever they want, when they want it, as the electronic signals are treated roughly equally and delivered to computers without any priority.

Metering internet service , in the way Cable TV is metered, will put up tolls online. AT&T will give priority to individuals and companies with deep pockets, and allow their signals to move through the internet faster. Under-capitalized sites will be given lesser priority, and will take several minutes to load. Or not show up at all. And the customer will have to pay for access- just like Cable TV. A basic rate will deliver to you, well, just 'basic' internet- a sanitized, boring wasteland. To access the good stuff, you will have to pay through the nose- and a lot of the good sites will simply vanish, because they could not pay the' toll' to allow their signals through. The proposed system potentially makes you pay coming and going. If this scheme succeeds, the internet is doomed. AT&T and their ilk will have total control- eventually, they will dictate all internet content...this is an evil monopoly. We only have about one year left...

What can you do about this? Contact your Congress critters and demand genuine Net Neutrality. Contact the FCC, and FTC, and demand the same. Millions of citizens have so far held off the minions of mammon on this issue, but more help is needed. Don't be fooled by counterfeit organizations that purport to support a healthy unrestricted internet- go to for the straight dope.

And the next time you see a buttoned up goon in a suit carrying a briefcase step out of a limo, smack him up side the face with a cream pie ( for starters).


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