Wednesday, October 11, 2006


North Korea has tested a nuclear device. So what? Don't countries have the right to defend themselves? North Korea has received nothing but threats from the US for over 12 years... they apparently have learned the lesson of Iraq : if you don't have WMD, you get invaded. If you have WMD, then maybe you stand a chance.

About 25% of Americans suffer from malnutrition...we have millions of homeless people dying in the streets, almost half of whom are veterans... we couldn't even drop water bottles down to thousands of desperate Katrina victims in New orleans, yet we argue that the North Koreans wastefully develop weapons while their population starves?

A collapse of the North Korean regime is the last thing the South Koreans want- they saw what happened when Germany united. The potential financial cost of reunifying terrifies Seoul.

By July 1945, Japanese Emperor Hirohito had started peace negotiations with the US via the Soviet embassy- President Truman knew this, yet he still decided to drop the Atomic bomb on civilian targets in Japan. Over 100,000 died, making this event the single worst instance of state-sponsored terrorism in human history (even surpassing the allied fire bombing of Dresden, i think ).


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