Sunday, October 08, 2006


About the turn of the century Georges Sorel was a divided and evolving man, who, over the course of his life, offered several distinct solutions to the political crisis - his Syndicalist approach being the most familiar. The workers should organize into Syndicates, councils that would eventually take over the functions of the state, then they should initiate a "General Strike," guided by a 'creative myth.' Originally a Monarchist, he ended up having a tortured relationship with Italian fascism and the Bolsheviks in Russia. "Direct Action " was to be the means, worker self- management was the end.

The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) sought a universal union of all workers- they were called the wobblies, and they still exist today.

Every year every member of the workforce should go on strike all at once, for one day (May 1?). Gradually, they could expand the strike over time, and demand a 30 hour work-week, the abolition of all rents, and cancellation of all debts. Relief societies could be formed to aid the striking workers throughout the anticipated hardships, as the duration of the strike lengthens each year. Eventually,the strike will endure long enough to threaten the very existence of the economic order, and the bosses and bankers will have to submit to the will of the majority.


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