Monday, July 07, 2008


I dreamed about South America again...I was exploring...maybe somewhere in Paraguay.(the Chaco region?)..I saw a small Indian/Latin village or depot...Jungle growth was dense..obscuring the sun, or maybe it was almost night...Me and a few others took a pi-rogue boat along a narrow yet deep river...we also traveled on foot along the steep banks. I think a few natives were guiding...

Suddenly,I saw two very large, dark 'eels' racing along the current.. there was a great amount of excitement and fear. I insisted that the creatures were monsters...then, behind the craft, another monster rose up out of the water- it was a sea serpent- looking thing, like a pleiosaur. I took pictures.

The experience resembled what happened in real life when I went to south America three years ago and hired a canoe to go toward the Amazon river.


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