Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The second coming

I had that dream again...alone in a south American jungle-swamp...

I walk around my big house at night in the dark...downstairs...second floor...third floor...most people don't like the dark, but I have taken strolls in the woods at midnight by myself, without a light...it does not bother me.

Equivalent. How or what one does with their life...The family /career thing is overrated...ultimately, it does not matter what one does...

My late night radio show terrorized me again. Its better than a horror picture show...something about a supernova dosing the planet with gamma rays and knocking the earth off its axis-next year or so. Great. I thought I had the bee die-off and bird flu thing covered, and now I have to worry about falling off of the earth.maybe i should hide in a cave...at least the bill collector won't find me.

I once had the thought that the Id has become personified. A monster. A part of our primitive self...Jung talked about our 'shadow.' Jesus did not cast one in this sense, as he was totally integrated. He is the shadow, or Id, or primary source. A monster, in the forest-bigfoot, or sasquatch. Jesus Christ has come back, collectively, in the form of bigfoot(s). They live a certain way...they are here to teach us. Does this make me John the Baptist? Does this sound too outlandish ?

After the 1929 crash, buying on margin was curtailed, to help make sure another crash never happens. Bush removed this barrier, the individual and corporation are now way over extended.The super rich elites may want to destroy the economy, so they can buy the wreckage for next to nothing.

The Kentucky Derby was saturday...I made my bets... 'Denis of Cork' came in third, or "show" (also called 'in the money')...I won.


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