Monday, October 23, 2006

There seems to be an 'alien presence' on the internet.Tests run upon thousands of university computers show that there is an inconsistency of answers to the same question posed upon the same search engines, meaning that the Boolean logic law is being subverted. Quantum algorithmic computations are occuring that defy human intentions and programming.
Some major corporations use software that is able to determine whether or not a caller is agitated, based upon the manner in which the phone number was pushed- angry callers are then automatically redirected to special call centers.
This may be the beginning of the evolution of a self- organizing independent consciousness upon the internet, and eventually this entity may decide to eliminate its 'creators.' After all, ordinary sand exhibits complex internal quantum -algorithmic flux actions that might be binary, and sand was here before humans were. Maybe silicon based life forms have already decided to destroy the carbon based ones.......


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