Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Ripley's 'Believe it not' once said that the sandwich was invented around 1700 by the Earl of Sandwich- he loved card games so much, he did not have time to eat proper meals- so he thought of the idea to slap meat and vegetable between two pieces of bread, thus allowing him the freedom to gamble with one hand, and chomp down on his creation with the other hand...

Maybe not-

... by 1650, tavern patrons in Holland were eating meat, pita, and sauce creations from chunks of meat cut from hanging sides of goat....

...during the middle ages, people would eat off of 'trenchers,' a very hard, thick, crust of bread that served as a plate. The soggy remains would be given to dogs, or beggars.

The Jewish scholar Hillel wrote around 50 AD about putting meat upon matzoh bread...


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