Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Sumer was the worlds first complex civilization (?) A permanent agricultural city-state formed in Mesopotamia (now southern Iraq) about 3,500 BC.

Sumerian's invented the potters wheel, boats with sails, and they were the first to use the alloy bronze. Pictographic writing evolved into Cuneiform (about 3,100 BC)

Legend tells of a half-man, half fish like creature rising out of the sea-he was called Oannes. It was he who taught the Sumerians how to count and tell time, devise a calender, use herbs to heal, and predict eclipses.

Sumer lasted until about 2,000 BC... the area eventually became 'Babylon.'

In 1976, Zecharia Sitchin published a work called 'The 12th Planet'...he was intrigued by a Sumerian tablet showing a star map...making a lot out of very little evidence, Sitchin speculated that an unknown Planetoid object, with a wide elliptical orbit around the sun, passed close to earth about every 3,600 years, bringing devastation here in its wake. This object has been called Marduk, Niribiru, Wormwood,or Planet X. This objects flyby is said to have been responsible for the events in the biblical book of Exodus- the parting of the Red (Reed) Sea, about 1,450 BC.

19th century astronomers thought they detected strange gravitational pertubutions among the outer planets- a tug that could be explained by postulating the existence of a hidden outer planet. In the 1990's, space probes were finally able to determine that the gravitational readings were false.
But in Feb 2008, two Japanese scientists announced that they have found a earth sized planet orbiting the sun far beyond Pluto....

In 1917, three Portuguese children began to see visions...eventually, on October 13 1917, a crowd of 70,000 gathered to witness 'The miracle of the Sun,' a promised event from the being that spoke to the children....The clouds parted, and the Sun appeared to dance, spin, dim, weave, and zig-zag toward the ground. Witnesses forty miles away saw the same event. The 'Lady of Fatima' gave three secrets to the children...the first two are known, and dealt with war and repentance - the third was sealed in an envelope until 1960...when the Pope read it, he cried out with agony and nearly fainted...

Is it possible that the ancients knew about the regular orbit of a now unknown celestial object, an object that periodically comes near to the earth and disrupts civilization with storms, earthquakes, floods and pestilence?
Did the Mayans track this object, and did their astronomers know that it would return in 2012? Will the pole-shift happen soon?

"And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven,burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; and the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became Wormwood, and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter" Revelation 8: 10,11

The Vatican built several observatories after 1960...


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