Friday, June 13, 2008

Pit Bottomless

Jung termed the proper journey of life 'individuation'...

The alchemists sought total transformation, not of lead into gold, but of the gross beast called 'Man' into deity...a theosis, mystical union. The thoughts of one man merging with the intellect of the All, the One, or God.

The transformation is a process...a climbing of Jacobs Ladder, via study of the World Tree. Cabala is the West's yoga. One must learn the traditions in their entirety, then study the next one. Do not jump around too much; expectant belief is the key.
Plotinus instructs us thus: from The One emanated Nous, then the Logos or World-Soul, from which the spirits issued, or fell, as God sought to know himself through 'earthly experience.

The alchemist begins with 'black'...(salt)

This is the intellectual study of everything under the Sun.

The separation of subtle essence, the pneumia (soul), from matter.

The liberated spirit then must be reunited with the body...the "Chemical Marriage"...

This is 'white'...(mercury). It is here that the gift of the Holy Ghost is 'given'

and symbolized by the creation of a sky-blue liquid or stone, 'Caelum'...which is 'heaven.'

The third and final stage is... universal return to the primordial or prime matter...this is objective existence and meaning, which modern 'Man' has lost. By returning to the 'Abyss' we return to the One or All, the source of the Forms.

This third stage is 'Red' (Sulfur)

'Red' represents completion, yet is is also the most potentially dangerous- dis-carnate spirits become jealous, and seek to destroy the effort. The Master Magician threatens the Gods...this is why the current political junta seeks to weaponize individual spirituality.

Through solution, evaporation, precipitation, distillation...the conscious self confronts the unconscious. Here, our 'bad habits,' our corruption, falls away. We can remain at the level of transcendence for awhile...or move toward, and into, deity. God spends 'eternity' thinking about his thoughts, and we can too.

Remember- inside the 'Dark Night of the Soul' we catch a glimpse of our mission. In the dark, everything becomes indistinguishable from everything else- all is one.


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