Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The percent of taxes that triggered the Revolutionary War was just a fraction of what most Americans have to pay now- we work and give our earnings from about five months of labor to the Feds..and we keep the earnings from the other seven months-if we are lucky. This does not count state, city, local taxes.

What do these taxes purchase? Universal single payer health insurance? Your top-notch education? Your nursing home care,and your funeral? Safety on September 11?

The founding fathers would be horrified if they knew that most of us have to pee into a cup before we can get a job.

About 58% of all Americans have zero, or negative, net wealth.

If our leaders were simply making dumb mistakes, about half of the time the mistake would be in our favor- but this is not the case. Our leaders have deliberately dismantled the American opportunity system, because they are inter(multi)-nationalists.

Who rules? An interlocking directorate of major banks,oil barons, insurance and mortgage firms, Hedge fund operators and stock brokerage houses, a few universities and academics, several think tanks, the media, some Judges and go-to Law firms, and various intelligence organizations, along with a clutch of secret societies and their heads- about 50 individuals.

Americans have a sanitized 'Disneyland' version of history and politics in their heads- most are hopelessly brainwashed.


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