Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Colares case

Beginning in August 1977, the approx. 2,000 residents of the island of Colares, in NE Brazil, were attacked by numerous UFO's. These craft were of various shapes and sizes; they shot hot white beams of light at the terrorized people as they tried to flee from the strange invaders. Scores of individuals ended up in a hospital clinic; they had radiation- type burns on their faces and throat. When someone was trapped in the laser-like beams, they would become paralyzed and later found to be missing at least 300 ml of blood.
The UFO wave caused so much concern and panic that all of the women and children fled the island (the men stayed behind, to protect their property. They tried to ward off the craft with loud noises and bonfires, to no avail.

Eventually, the Brazilian government had to intervene and send in the military to investigate ('Operation Plate,' or Saucer) . Soon the soldiers found themselves under attack too. Yet they managed to take over 500 still photos and several films of the UFO's and their energy beams.
Eventually, at least two people died from the wounds inflicted upon them by the invading fleet of unknown origin.

This event caused a media firestorm in Brazil, yet the rest of the world doesn't know much about it.


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