Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Robber Barons

The Columbian civil war has raged for over 40 years. President Clinton and Senator Kerry helped devise 'PLan Columbia,' a cruel attempt to use torture to defeat the rebel FARC and ELN groups. Plan Columbia is really a sad scheme to protect and enrich the Wall Street backed oligarchy and their cocaine profits, at the expense of economic justice. ( The rebels in the jungle are more than 1/3 teenage girls and young women).

Every year, the World bank and the International Monetary Fund engineer a slaughter of the worlds population that exceeds the carnage wrecked by the Nazi's during any given year of world war two... This capitalist holocaust is brought about courtesy of our 'leaders,' who are just out to make a fast buck or billion, using your tax dollars to accomplish their misdeed. By not actively resisting this dirty war against humanity, you become complicit with this nazi-esque cabal of banksters.
The IMF and World Bank impose 'conditionalities' upon a nations loan-debt. Attempting to settle up, a country then slashes social services and guts the safety net, which results in millions of premature deaths - sometimes caused when sanitation services are cut, which allows a disease epidemic like cholera to break out.
The bottoned up goons in their hi-rise glass box corporate offices know full well what they are doing, but believe their actions are the natural order of things.


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