Thursday, November 09, 2006

operators manual

Mankind the generalist, affording ample opportunity for discovery and survival, a comprehensive view anabled the 'Great Pirates' to rule- the captains oversaw the machine of Colonialism, delegating tasks, until....

The end of The Great War in 1918 saw a new era emerge out of the smoldering rubble- Western civilization arguably slit its throat, and now specialization was king, overthrowing the 'Great Pirates' once and for all. Even earlier, by about 1830, the sciences had become too varied and complex for one genius to grasp them all- this being the fruit of the Cartesian and Newtonian revolutions, the de-myth, de-sacred-izing, atomizing cult of numbers and calculus.... Malthus, Marx, Ricardo, Smith, all designed futures based upon scarcity. Then the second law of thermodynamics was formulated,... (and) Darwin announced the survival based upon the fittest. Biological entropy codified by the Captains. They fell, the specialists took over,the technocrats won, but now they are overspecialized, as the planet bleeds and reels.

The assembly line, automation, the new binary electric brain. A two edged sword, holding the possibilty of freeing man from drudge work and allowing humanity to return to generalization, a new comprehensive view, a world without limits, without scarcity, the 'crisis of overproduction' turned around and instead forced to create a utopia, Man forever free from his brave new fear. Will we claim the prize?


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