Friday, September 08, 2006

Your tax dollars at work

Most people are familiar with the infamous Tuskegee Syphilis study: starting in 1932, over 300 unsuspecting black sharecroppers were ultimately denied possible life saving treatments.

In 1966 US Army scientists dropped light bulbs filled with bacillus subtilis through the ventilation gates and into the New York City subway system, exposing more than a milion civilians to the bacterium( Goliszek).

1906- Harvard Prof. Richard Strong deliberately infects Philipino prisoners with Cholera, to study the results. 13 die, and he compensates the survivors with cigars and cigarettes. Nazi's on trial in Nuremberg cite this example, as a defense for their behavior.

1931- Cornelious Rhoads, a pathologist from the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research, deliberately infects Puerto Ricans's with Cancer cells. 15 die. After WW2, he becomes head of the US Army bacteriological research operations in Aberdeen, Maryland, and he also later becomes a director of the US Atomic Energy Commission, where he begins experiments on unsuspecting soldiers (Sharav).

In 1950, the navy sprayed the shoreline of San Francisco with Bacillis Globili, and 8,000 civilians were exposed, ...many developed pneumonia-like symptoms.

2004- A BBC documentary called "Guinea Pig Kids" exposes the FDA's use of foster care children in experimental AIDS drug trials , entirely without their knowledge or informed consent.(Doran).

The Nazi's were intensely interested in mind control methods. When the Americans and Soviets captured Germany, they aslo obtained certain medical records . After the CIA was set up, a program termed MKULTRA was inaugurated, and was meant to ultimately bring adversaries and others under complete mental control. Prisoners were given LSD and other drugs, then soldiers were used. Later, runaways were exploited. Todays stories of "human trafficking" probably stem from clandestine, government run intelligence operations allied with mafia-type structures.
The ability to efficiently 'split' a personality has been know for decades(using drugs, sensory deprivation, hypnosis,etc.). Another specific technique and goal, is called 'psychic driving'- reducing a personality to a blank slate so you can then rebuild it, however way you want.
Both the Soviets and Americans created "Sleepers"- individuals who were living ordinary lives, yet had been programmed to 'awaken' on cue. Once commanded and activated by certain words, or tones, they would recieve their instructions and then wreck their havoc. "Sleepers" would have been invaluable assets during a war scenario.
Some of the incidents of schoolyard shootings and post office shootings of the 1990's may have been programmed , as was the Port Arthur Tasmanian rampage, etc. The purpose? To sow fear, and institute repressive laws, ie...control. (read Orwell- ...power is God.)

Many times over the years our government has experimented upon the innocent, without any shred of informed consent. Many times our government has 'attacked' itself'
, to further a strategic goal. We blew up the Maine battleship in 1898, so we could use that as an excuse to gobble up Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Hispainola. The Tonkin Gulf incident (1964) directly led to our deeper involvement in Vietnam, but the event was largely fabricated- and over a million civilians died due to the duplicity. In 1962, the top Pentagon brass presented President Kennedy with a mad scheme to blow up our own airliners and then blame the Cubans ('Operation Northwoods'- when Kennedy was presented with the plan, he looked at his Generals like they were crazy and dismissed them).

1997- Zbigniew Brzezinski writes about how the 21st century will belong to whoever can control the oil and gas wealth of central Asia.

1997- PNAC-'Project for a New Amercan Century'- signed by Libby, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc., urges the United States to seek an expansionistic foreign policy, to secure the wealth of the Middle East, under the guise of expanding American values and democracy to the region. They send a letter to President Clinton urging him to invade Iraq. (To be used as a 'forward base')

2001- Anthrax letters kills several, one has been charged thus far. The spores seem to be 'military' grade. The scare comes on the heels of 9-11.

Before sept. 11, The inner clique of the Neocons had proclaimed that a "cataclysmic or catalyzing event, a new Pearl Harbor", was necessary before they could implement their schemes.

September, 1947, the CIA was formed. There was a concern that the Soviets might 'win' the war to find a effective truth serum, we were worried about what our enemies in Russia, China, and North Korea were up to relating to brainwashing techniques, etc. A Dr. Sidney Gottlieb began aspects of MK-UlTRA using LSD, marijuana, mescaline, other drugs, hypnosis, electrical signals, etc., upon unwitting test subjects in an attempt to discover(hypothetically) the ideal way to extract or withhold information from and by prisoner-spy's. A memo dated January 1952 states "Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self preservation?" Dr. Frank Olsen was a bio-chemist working for the US military who was unknowingly drugged with LSD, and he eventually jumped out of a ten story window to his death. His son maintain's that he was murdered because he knew too much...
Project Monarch grew out of MKULTRA- Monarch is supposed to relate to the abilty to totally control individuals, to create in them a dissociative state, MPD's. Monarch (named after the butterfly) has criminal implications i will not discuss here.
December 1974, the New York Times ran a piece touching upon all that i have just written. A public outcry eventually led to the formation of the investigative Church Senate hearings in 1975-6, and to the Rockefeller Commission, where these illegal activities were at least partly uncovered. These operations may have been shut down, but there is much evidence that they continue to the present day, albeit in altered forms, usually under the defense or excuse of "National Security."

I discussed how the individual has been targeted, but i want to talk a little bit about how society at large has been manipulated. The masses often operate as an aggragated individual entity. Through control of media the collective mind can be controlled- induce trauma (JFK, MLK, Robert Kennedy murder 'shocks', partly televised) add repitition, reinforcement...soon you have a society experiencing cognitive dissonance on a large scale. (The 1970's were called the 'ME' decade)..Reality becomes obscured by relativism and selfishness,...the apathetic, waiting to be dumbed down, lied to, cowed, and atomized., i.e. controlled and helpless seeking ones own petty pursuits, oblivious to the fact that one is really an integral part of a community, intimately linked to everyone else.


Blogger pilgrimchick said...

I had never heard this--what does this have to do with (I'm curious)?

2:25 PM  
Blogger Zero said...

Thank you for all of your comments-i really appreciate what you have to say.

I will explain this post soon- stay tuned

11:42 AM  
Blogger pilgrimchick said...

Sure, I'll be happy to. Curiosity still abounds.

1:18 PM  
Blogger Zero said...

A specific criminal energy was unleashed during the Cold War, subverting our society to this day. Thats the main theme.I'm about to get bogged down here, but if you have any more questions, i'll try to answer them. Good luck on your dissertation!

10:56 AM  

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