Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The question of black African-Negroid genetic influence upon regions outside of sub-Sahara Africa: the evidence for ancient Egypt is mixed, alternating through time - a Pharoah about 1,850 BC forbade 'blacks' from entering Egypt beyond a certain point, and many Pharoahs were blond....but a Nubian army took over Egypt about 750BC and ruled for 60 years...much earlier the Nile kingdom once extended its sway far south into Kush, so there must have been a certain amount of mingleling...).

The Fellahin of Egypt today bear some traditional black African features, as do many of India's Dalit ('untouchable') population..... Ethiopian mercenaries went to India for awhile...

Though most Indians are certainly descended from the central Asian zone....

The idea that Australian aborigines and Papuans are 'blacks' is probably erroneous, they seem to be distinct groups.

Most Argentines are part 'black': the country once had an enormous slave population, but nowadays you can hardly see any trace of them in the populace-they have been absorbed.


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