Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Be Here Now

According to legend, the Apostle Thomas eventually ended up in India, along the Malabar coast, where he founded what would eventually become a distant branch of the Syrian Orthodox Church, the Kerela Christians of India. Thomas is also the supposed author of the once lost Gnostic Gospel of Thomas- which contains mystical sayings(114) ascribed to Jesus.
When the Portuguese began colonizing India after 1498, they sought to Latinize the local church, with brute force. The Jesuits compiled a history of the Indian faithful, which was suppressed in 1600. Why? It's possible that the followers of Jesus in India actually adhered more closely to his original ideas, due to their isolation and direct lineage to St. Thomas ( an ancient manuscript still exists detailing the geneology of leading families in the region and their ties to the Apostle).

Jesus taught that the ending is encapsulated before and with the beginning, we are to return to, or become aware of, our immediate experience of enlightenment that we have always posessed but which is obscured to us, because we are deluded, 'numb,''drunk', or 'asleep.' Cease your useless psychological striving for transcendance, mental utopia does not exist, only our naturalness exists. This is what is meant by the expression "The Kingdom of Heaven inside you"... .and everywhere.
The spark of the divine enables our transformation- to reach the original Godhead that existed before our fall from grace,... the primal being-the Pleroma- still exists ....(Genesis 1)


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