Sunday, June 03, 2007

Walmart: evil parasitic spreading virus disguised as a 'business'-Walmart receives money from the government (local and otherwise) to set up shop and destroy nearby competition by selling almost-slave labor produced products from the developing world,esp. China and India. The money initially given to Walmart is often needed for community services such as special ed teachers, police, and fire and rescue personnel.
Walmart deliberately keeps its stores understaffed, often making employees work extra hours for free. Walmart keeps most of its employees part-time instead of full-time, thus reducing benefits. Wages are so low most workers end up on welfare, which is the stated goal of the company. If a worker ends up with 41 or 42 hours on the clock for a week, managers often will erase evidence of this, rolling back the hours to under 40, to avoid overtime. Walmart is constantly in trouble with the law over labor,safety, and environmental issues. The heirs to the family fortune are collectively worth over 50 billion dollars, and if they were to shed about 10 billion of that amount, every Walmart employee on Earth could have health care benefits, vacation time, and decent wages.
Walmart knows violent crime is rampant in their parking lots, they also know that if they were to patrol them in buggies or golf cart-type vehicles, crime would fall to almost zero-yet they refuse to do so, and hundreds of muggings, rapes, and murders in their parking lots has been the result. But they keep about 200 cameras trained on the shopping customer and employee while inside the store- once you make your purchase and exit the building, they could care less about you.


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