Sunday, February 25, 2007

A race to the bottom

Democrats have ruled many major American cities almost continuously for over 30 years- during this time, lead poisoning among inner city youth has skyrocketed.

President Clinton and Vice -president Gore pushed hard for Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone, even though the scientific evidence indicates that it is unhealthy ( most of the milk you now buy contains BGH).

President Clinton and Vice-president Gore blocked labeling of Genetically modified foods. They worked hard to weaken Dolphin protections, they de-regulated public grazing lands, they accelerated the corp of engineers destruction of wetlands....They refused to enforce or they weakened the Endangered Species Act and the Clean Air and Water Act.

NAFTA insures the weakest possible environmental laws in the America's- if a businessman in one country with a low standard sues another businessman in a country with a higher standard, then the high standard must be lowered- the treaty is a race to the bottom.

Clinton completely caved-in when it came to fuel efficiency standards.

Clinton also ended the only public way of counting hospital deaths.

He also repealed the 1958 Delany clause- this forbade the adding of known cancinogens into our food supply- so watch what you eat !

"President Clinton has done more harm to the environment than Reagan and Bush (no.1) did combined." - former Sierra club President David Brower

George W. Bush's environmental record: his misdeeds are too numerous to relate.


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