Friday, September 29, 2006

Mosiac Integralism

Charles Maurras (1867-1952) was the leading proto-fascist of France. Poet, columnist, essayist, and classical scholar of the highest caliber, he was an ardent nationalist and antiparliamentarian. But his distrust of modernity took a curious route- he became an atheist supporter of the Catholic church. Maurras felt that France was the greatest nation, the inheritor of the ancient Roman legacy, that Catholicism was too intimately meshed with its history to forsake. The clerical system offered order and social control. A Monarchist, he thought that '40 kings and a thousand years had created France,' only the royalty can give the country granduer. He railed against the Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the Revolution of 1789. He thought that the idea of the individual should be subordinate to the idea of the nation, so he castigated the 20th(and 19th) century for fostering liberal, democratic individualism. He believed that the guilt or innocence of Dreyfus was irrelevant- the reputation and strength of the French Army had to be protected.
Maurras founded 'Action Francaise,' a nucleus of supporters and a newspaper that tried to rid France of the four poisons " Jews, Masons, Protestants, and foreigners." He said he derived his views from reason, not sentiment or loyalty.
Although he had a low opinion of Germany's culture and people, he collaborated with Hitler and Petain, and was arrested by the free French in 1944. Sentenced to death, the penalty was commuted to life, and he died under state supervision in a medical clinic in 1952. Today, his movement doesn't exist, the current extreme right in France is too dissimiliar to offer any real comparison.

Vallejo : A Columbian writer, director, and artist, is another iconoclast. He hates both sides in the 50 year long civil war, his works derride Darwin, Einstein, and Freud as hoax-charlatans; he thinks people are so awful that he condemns people who marry and have children as being despicable monsters, who perpetuate the madness and misery of the human race. He has publically called for the assassination of the President of Columbia....

Misanthropes may be reacting to personal alienation or isolation, or a feeling of superiority- they feel morally or intellectually superior to the masses. Sherlock Holmes is a good fictional example of a misanthrope, tempered by humanism...Misanthropy ultimately fails, because the individual in total isolation quickly begins to wither.

Nihilism is usually a charge someone throws against another person or idea that they seriously dispute as being outragerously negative. Very Few individuals actually profess nihilism as a personal doctrine,....
Philosophical Nihilism originally was a peasant movement in the Russia in the 1860's, which harboured an extreme skepticism toward authority,.... it advocated a belief in science, the revolution, and 'the people' (in the abstract). Ivan Tugenev's novel 'Fathers and Sons' beautifully presented the issue ( i especially enjoyed the last few pages). Later, Nietzsche tried to devise a philosophy that would transcend the empty Christian dogma of denying this world in the hopes of gaining another to come....what are we to do, (now) that our moorings have been severed? The Earth set loose from its orbit around the sun? There is no ultimate truth or value? Nietzsche sought to create a new set of values to replace the ones now dead. Whether he succeeded or not is still hotly debated.

More recently, Lyotard(retard?) and Derrida have almost managed to destroy Western Civilization, without putting anything worthwhile in its place.

My lonely war against Postmodernism continues....i reject pessimism. I reject labels. Nothing is black and white. Maybe the Radical Traditionists can save us (Julius Evola) , but as Teilhard De Chardin said, fascism lacks the 'infusion of love' necessary to help us evolve toward the Omega point.


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