Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ben Franklin wrote an unresearched paper condemning Cotton Mathers method of smallpox innoculation, and as a result untold thousands needlessly died.

In the French and Indian war, George Washington refused to fight the Iroquois Indians out in the open- he would burn their fields and homes, trying to starve them into submission.
Washington lost as many battles as he won during the Revolutionary war. His real talent - keeping the army intact.

The American Revolution was largely triggered by a reasonable tax imposed on the Colonials to pay for defense of the frontier from hostile native attacks. This tax directly caused paper to become more costly, and infuriated the press- it reduced profit margins , so editorials lashed out at the allegedly oppressive agents of the king, thus raising public support for independence.
(Sam Adams at one point created a groundswell of support for the war, almost singlehandedly).

The Anti-Federalists wanted a loose confederation of states, and opposed the Constitutional Convention in 1786-7. They correctly saw that the proposed federal union would eventually curtail individual liberties- so the Bill of Rights was inserted into the Constitution to(somewhat) placate their concerns. But Jefferson, Patrick Henry, George Mason, and Sam Adams still refused to fully support the birth of the new nation under a centralized, federated, form.

The main problem with the theory of seperation of powers, the division of government into three branches, is that there is no real mechanism to prevent one party or faction from gaining control over all three.

Corporate Republicans, various conservatives, and their 'Vichy' Democratic allies have gotten their way on the big issues about 75% of the time, since 1980. But they still bemoan the sorry state of affairs in the America that they have largely created.

The extreme right has basically prevailed, yet they still attack the(so-called) opposition on extremely minor points like the ACLU's attempts to keep church and state seperate, wedge issues like abortion, 'liberal' judges (a myth- 80% are appointees of the Right), gay marriage( an absurdity- marriage is a religious ceremony, not a state one ordinarily, and most of my generation rejected-theoretically- all marriage as being oppressive, while gays seem to rush to embrace tradition).
The only real issues we should care about are how to improve the living conditions of working families, how can we save the environment, and how to end excessive corporate and state control over our lives and end these foolish wars that are intended to distract us away from the political criminals in charge of our destiny.

The media is owned by very wealthy people who try to keep certain information out of reach-

President Jimmy Carter ramped up arms shipments to the Indonesian government to help put down the rebellion on East Timor- 200,000 were killed.
Carter gave support to the brutal Somoza regime in Nicaragua up to the very end. Likewise for El Salvador, the dictator Marcos in the Philipines,and the Shah of Iran. Thus Carter helped murder over a million people.

In the 1990's, Carter helped broker the worst possible agreement between the factions in Haiti.

Jimmy Carter's public persona as a moral human rights champion is a vicious lie.

The late 70's saw the nation embark on intensive de-industrialization policies that created the low wage-service sector, and debt ridden, economy we see now.

President Clinton gave arms to Turkey, which were used to burn down civilian villages of the Kurds. He also signed into law the anti-terrorism statutes which eventally led to the the Patriot Act, he probably took bribes and kickbacks from Chinese and Indonesian bigshots, and he forced Serbia into war; all this, when he wasn't roasting children in Waco, Texas.

The Civil War was fought over broad economic issues, of which slavery was merely a part. After the war, many blacks migrated north and became a source of cheap factory labor..(wage-slaves)

The Southern states had freely joined the union. Most scholars agree that they had a legal right to voluntarily leave it. The North, a foreign enemy, violently invaded Confederate territory, triggering the war.


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