Sunday, June 25, 2006


Danny Casalaro was finishing a book that would have wrapped together all the major scandals of the Reagan-Bush era, but he was found dead in a hotel room with both wrists slashed, all the way up to his elbows.... his manuscript missing. (You cannot slash BOTH wrists this way- once the tendon was cut on one hand, it would have been made useless and the other wrist could not have been harmed... Danny was afraid of needles and razors anyway, ...he was on a 'mission'.)

Reagan's team apparently cut a deal with the Ayatollah's of Iran- release the hostages, and we will sell you advanced weapons for your conflict with our buddy, Saddam Hussein. The very hour Reagan was inagurated, the hostages were released, and a few days later the US began transfering missiles to Iran.(The so called October surprise) .Reagan wanted the Lebanon prisoners also let go, and saw an opportunity to funnel the proceeds for the arms sales back to the Contras in Central America (Congress had cut off funding- the Boland Amendment). This operation was termed "Yellowfruit." Reagan denied even negotiating with 'terrorists', let alone trading arms with them.....

Now, the contras were involved in cocaine trafficing, assisted in this enterprise by the CIA and related American federal agencies. Noriega in Panama knew intimate details about this, because he was a pusher himself, while on the CIA payroll.

Saddam Hussein also benefited. The Agriculture Department granted him millions in dollars worth of credits that allowed him to purchase attrack helicopters, chemical weapons (to kill kurds ) and nuclear weapons components from us- we played one side against the other and along the middle. Another source or conduit for the money was the Banco nazionale lavaro (BNL).

Another bank, the Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI), was involved, and used to help launder the illicit drug money the Bush's and co. received from their proxies in the Americas, as well as over $250 billion from coerced and manipulated oil sales in the Middle East. Profits thus derived help to finance the CIA, Mossad, and other related entities.

Curious investigators began to pry, ...they were silenced, ... Now Bush Sr. had to cleanup. Since Noriega knew too much, we illegally invaded Panama, dropped bombs on poor civilian targets, and captured 'El Pineapple.' The subsequent trial carefully silenced Noriega....

Bush now had to do neutralize Saddam Hussein. A monetary deal was offered related to the IMF and the World Bank, but it was curiously refused. Our ambassador, April Glaspie, then encouraged Saddam to invade Kuwait... For the disobedience of being independent, we attacked Iraq in January of 1991.
But the war was a pyrrhic victory- it set the stage for the one to come

(more to come-INSLAW promis, Wackenhut, etc.)


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